During this time, at the Ateliers Zone Art, in Besancon…

…on ouvre des cartons, on trie les bouquins, on déplace des étagères, on pointe les ouvrages, on trie les fanzines, on vérifie les prix, on repousse les murs et on a pas fini, car samedi, il faut que tout soit prêt pour l’ouverture de notre Petite Librairie Ephémère ! (more…)

(More on the french side !)

More on the french side !

(More on the french side !)

More on the french side !

Once again, some workshops in Franche-Comté…

More workshops !
This time with Benoît Preteseille, cartoonist and also publisher. (more…)

The ChiFouMi small ephemeral bookstore poster.

Thanks again Pierre Ferrero for this wonderful poster we got for the next Small Ephemeral bookstore, from 2013, nov 30th to dec 24th ! (more…)