ChiFouMi & Cie : the cover-making machine in full effect.

A few hours ago, we forgot a second about drawing and inking and all these kind of usual stuff that we saw here on a regular basis, and let the good people from the printshop produce what will be become the embossed, perforated, printed cover of the main little book.
Laura and Lucas at the handles ! (more…)

ChiFouMi & Cie : a new square exercise.

The following exercise is a variation of the “Square Square Square Square” exercise appeared during Pierre Feuille Ciseaux, one occurrence of which even became a beautiful book published by Polystyrene Editions.
Four authors participated in the example shown below, for which new constraints have been added: this is not the final form but you can get an idea below… (more…)

ChiFouMi & Cie : Poseidon comes to Saint-Claude.

And now, surprise!
This was not originally planned but we could not refuse such a proposal: the definitely very nice Anders Nilsen kindly offered us a reading a few chapters of his book “Rage of Poseidon”, which is not translated in French yet, but available from the publisher Drawn & Quarterly English since a bit more than a year. (more…)

ChiFouMi & Cie : the ephemeral bookstore is slowly happening…

We have settled a small book store which should delight people that will show up during the week-end of restitution : fanzines, books from the alternative circuit and micro-publishing… There will be something for everyone, we’ll do our best! (see the full program here) Once again, we thank our colleagues at Zadig bookstore in St-Claude and Mine de Rien bookstore in Besançon for their help. (more…)

ChiFouMi & Cie, that’s also quite a lot of sugar.

English version is on its way !