Week-end ChiFouMi @ L’Entrepot – full schedule

Another comics event in eastern France ! (more…)

(more soon)

Please check the french version for more infos about this note.

Paper Is Not Dead ! It started.

Please check the french version for more infos about this note. (more…)

Paper Is Not Dead ! Another exhibition in eastern France.

It’s time to spread the word again !
ChiFouMi was invited by Le Musée des Maisons Comtoises for some big collective exhibition with some quite specific thematic : paper -as a matter- in all its forms, and how artists play with it today.
There’s plenty of artists who’ll be part of this exhibition, and ChiFouMi tried to show a bit about the creativity and the crazy imagination that can appears here or there in our little contemporary sequential narrative process field…
We are proud to get brilliant original artwork from Florian Huet, LL de Mars and Benoît Preteseille, Emilie Plateau, Michel Hellman, Ruppert & Mulot, Margaux Duseigneur, Mandie Brasington, and Lilli Carré, and with crazy books from Editions Polystyrène or productions from our very own ChiFouMi collective.


ChiFouMi & Cie : it’s over !

It was a crazy week indeed, full of good surprises and filled with emulation.
We’ll be back in the days to come with more details and probably a loooooong list of thanks, but as it’s already 3 days since the Saint-Claude extravanganza is over, it’s time to add the final point to this another ChiFouMi adventure in the crazy world of cartoonism.
More soon indeed, stay tuned for some more surprises real soon (including some informations about how to get hands on the brand new collective book that was released during the week…)… (more…)