On the exhibition side, things goes well too.

Autoptic Kick-Off Party and Art Show : Nothing Will Ever Be the Same is the title of the group exhibition we’re putting together at Light Grey Art Lab in Minneapolis to kick off Autoptic on August 7th, 7-10, right after PFC5 ending. (more…)

Meanwhile in Thailand…

While in Minneapolis the residency is in full spring, on the other side of the planet other people work on the sequential graphic narrative experiment. (more…)

Wanna see what the 3 colors silkscreen collaborative poster looks like ?

Then you should wait for another little bit, but looks like things are really on their way… (more…)

Charles Burns and Sammy Harkham have a chat with the students

After various meetings with some europeans authors as well as with Aidan Koch and Josh Bayer, Charles Burns and Sammy Harkham finally shared a couple of hours with the students of the workshop. (more…)


Once the 3 first panels done, the authors, in an order determined by drawing lots, chose the sequence they want to finalize. Now it’s time to put things together by the imposition of the book. (more…)