Mission accomplished.



Yippee!! Live from Autoptic! (more…)

More awesomeness printed stuff finding its way to the Kickstarter !

So !
It wasn’t scheduled and just went naturally those last hours but as usual when it comes to PFC madness, some authors used the huge and great printshop just one door away from our week-long work-room (thanks to Kara Gregory and Diana Eieher from the MCAD printshop) and well… Things happened !
So, soon on Kickstarter : (more…)

PFC#5 presentation at Alliance Française – Minneapolis

Wednesday night at the Alliance française in Minneapolis, there was an introduction to ChiFouMi and the fifth edition of Pierre Feuille Ciseaux.

If you want to see the speeches of June, Xavier Guilbert and JC Menu (in great shape !), just check down here : (more…)

Hey ! New stuff up for grabs on our Kickstarter !

Thanks to all of y’all’s help PFC 5 is funded with time to spare!

But lets not let that momentum die! Now is the chance to start laying the foundation for PFC 6 so we can keep exploding the boundaries of the comic art form. (more…)