Matthias Lehmann lives and works in Paris, where he was born in 1978.
He’s well known for his etching skills, combined to his various approaches about classic inking, the whole used for telling contemporary stories exploring mankind complexity in its larger spectrum.
He published his work throught his own minis before joining zines/graphzines as Strip Burger, Thank God It’s Ugly, Le Martien in the 90’s. His work was then also published in various anthologies (the cult comix anthology Comic 2000, Lapin, Hopital Brut, L’horreur est humaine, Dirty Stories) and different press magazines (Jade, Ferraille, Le Psikopat, Capsule Cosmique, Fluide Glacial). More recently, his illustration work was also published in Libération, Le Monde, XXI, Siné Mensuel, Marianne and so on.
Matthias also plays and sings in Raw Death, some americana/US folk music project along his old-time friend Nicolas Moog, with whom he also recently co-signed several books.
Bibliography :
- “Agora”, 2019, 6 pieds sous terre.
- “La Vengeance de Croc-en-Jambe”, avec Nicolas Moog, 2019, Fluide Glacial.
- “Pourquoi je ne porte pas de pyjama” (Lampiste, tome 3), 2018, self-published.
- “Comment j’ai été sauvé par des castors” (Lampiste, tome 2), 2017, self-published.
- “Qu’importe la mitraille”, avec Nicolas Moog, 2016, 6 pieds sous terre.
- “Pourquoi Richard m’a tué” (Lampiste, tome 1), 2015, self-published.
- “La favorite”, 2015, Actes Sud.
- “La ruche et le Mémorial”, 2013, Ion.
- “Personne ne sait que je vais mourir”, 2013, self-published.
- “Les larmes d’Ezéchiel”, 2009, Actes Sud.
- “L’étouffeur de la RN 115”, 2006, Actes Sud.
- “Le gumbo de l’année”, 2003, Les Requins Marteaux.
- “Isolacity”, 2001, L’Association.
- “O pesadelo de Gustavo Ninguém”, 2000, Le Dernier Cri.
Anthologies/collectives :
- “Fluide Glacial au Louvre”, 2018, Fluide Glacial.
- “Art Monstre”, 2013, Café Creed.
- “L’Animal a 20 ans”, 2012, 6 pieds sous terre.
- “XX/MMX”, 2010, L’Association.
- “Honey Talks”, 2006, La Boîte d’Aluminium.
- “Tous coupables !”, 2007, Éditions du Faciès/Les Cochons Enragés.
- “M le Menu”, 2005, L’Association.
- “Comix 2000”, 1999, L’Association.
- “Bowling for souls”, 1996, Mille Putois.
Website :