For more then fifteen years, Joanna Lorho does some odd jobs between small press, drawing, animation, music and so on. After some high school time immersed into classical music, she leave her french art school to St-Luc in Bruxelles, Belgium, where she find her fam into the indy comics field, collaborate a couple of years to the Nos Restes collective and spend a lot of time on the belgian publisher L’Employé du Moi corner here or there.
Since 2009, she’s teaching at ERG (School of Graphic Research) and takes part in the monthly comics-oriented radio podcast RadioGrandpapier.
Kijé, her first animation movie, is joining the dots between her two loves : drawing and music. After that she made a few others movies and some pages mostly published at l’Employé du Moi, and a record (through Bruxelles label Matamore).
Still unable to even choose between all those paths, Joanna keep on teaching, get some classical piano lessons, draws some more comics pages, work on some long-time comics on her own and should finish some new anime movie real soon.

Bibliography :

  • “DEDANS DEHORS” work in progress.
  • “Kijé”, illustrated book, 64 pages in color (with the DVD), 2015.
  • “Sweet 15”, collective, 2015, L’Employé du Moi.
  • “Échos” (with Aïsha Franz, Joanna Hellgren, Amanda Vähämaki, Julie Delporte et Noémie Marsily), 2014, L’Employé du Moi.
  • “Appendix”, collective, 2010, L’Employé du Moi.
  • “CRRISP!” collective, 2008, L’Employé du Moi
  • “Eisbär”, 6 issues, 2008/2010, Nos Restes.

Websites :