Monday, August 12, 10 am, first day of PFC#4, MCAD Minneapolis, room #430.

Salle #430 - MCAD Minneapolis - Le calme avant la tempête...

Calm before the storm…

Les auteurs et chifoumistes sont au complet.

All authors and the ChiFouMi team are all together, ready to begin the residency.

Anders expose son projet

Anders Nilsen exposes his collective book project that he set up with Zak Sally and June. The authors will work in pairs and will have to draw one page per couple. A subject : “Break something” and a list of characters are imposed.

Chaque auteur choisit son personnage dans la liste élaborée par Anders.

Each author choses a character in Anders list. On this pic, Eleonor Davis.

Auteurs qui choisissent

Choices are quickly made : Sandrine Martin choses “God”, Jim Rugg “Unicorn”, Eugène Riousse “Mad scientist”, etc.

la liste

The french authors randomly draw their north-american partner.

L'équipe des auteurs ricains !

The north-american team is waiting for the results.

Les couples franco-américains sont formés et les contraintes sont données.

French/north-american couples are done, constraints are given.

Au bout du rouleau.

Another exercise : Zak Sally brought a player piano roll and proposes the authors to imagine a way to use it.

Pierre Ferrero propose son idée sur le projet de Zak Sally.

Pierre Ferrero is inspired at once and the day is only beginning!